On the Story Grid Writer’s Room this season, we’ve studied scenes because scenes are the basic building blocks of story. To be able to write a story that works, you must be able to write a scene that works.
We’ve looked at novels, short stories and one film, from ten different genres. So, this week, to cap off the season, we thought it would be a good idea to summarize the key takeaways and lessons we’ve learned from our deep dive into scenes.
When we analyze a scene we need to answer four story event questions, and identify the five commandments of storytelling. These are covered in detail in Story Grid 101 which is available as a free download from the Story Grid website.
Next week, hear what’s happening on the Story Grid Writer’s Room in season two!
Your Writers’ Room editors are Valerie Francis, specializing in stories by, for and about women, and Leslie Watts who helps fiction and nonfiction writers craft epic stories that matter.
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