Renee Decker

Renee Decker is a developmental editor, who got her start in storytelling thrilling her family with renditions of “The Three Little Pigs” and “The Three Billy Goats Gruff,” and has not stopped loving stories since.  Her goal is to help every writer transfer the story in their head to the one they want to tell on paper.  In college, as a teaching assistant in The Writing Center at Transylvania University and then later in law school, Renee realized how much she loves teaching others to develop their own skills.  She found The Story Grid in 2015 and recognized what a great set of tools it provides writers to make their stories the best version of themselves.  Now she helps writers of all levels master those techniques to write their best story yet.

Specializing in thrillers, science fiction and fantasy novels, Renee loves stories that challenge readers to the end and strives to help every writer innovate suspense, surprise and the sense of believable shock that readers get from a great story.

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