Catherine Lunardon

Specializing in nonfiction and professional memoir, Catherine empowers experts, mission-driven founders, and inspiring individuals to share their expertise, insight, and remarkable stories by creating books that amplify their impact and build a lasting legacy.

With over 20 years’ experience in advertising and strategy, she has the expertise to help clients find the biggest vision for their book, business and the impact they want to make. She believes that once this vision is clear, an author’s path to writing and publishing their book also comes into focus. Working with Catherine is a fun, creatively intense process that allows for authenticity and joy, as that’s where truly great work is born.

Catherine lives in a city on a Great Lake with her family and a Portuguese Water dog that hates swimming. When she’s not sailing or collaborating with her amazing clients, she enjoys reading, swimming, practicing comedy improv, and exploring in green spaces.

Connect with Catherine to learn more about how she can help you bring your book idea to life. 

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