
Brannan Sirratt

Brannan Sirratt is a work from home hipster (having done it since before it was cool) who believes stories are the best—and arguably only—way humans communicate and effect change. With nearly twenty years clocked in content and book development, she has grown from taking any gig within email’s reach to taking on thirty ghostwriting projects in a span of two years, to taking time to set some serious boundaries. Because, woah. Today, her expertise is in the convergence of an author’s intentions and a reader’s experience, helping groups and individuals see the power of their story and tap into the creative flow that can bring it to life. Brannan is especially at home with Big Idea nonfiction books that illuminate a niche of the world with the kind of light only a purpose-aligned author can bring.

Access our free 5-part Story Grid Course. In these lessons, Shawn will walk you step-by-step through the basics of Story Grid and how to get started.